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Wednesday, August 29, 2012


What is pricing procedure?
A pricing procedure is a procedure by where in which you control the execution of condition types in a sequence you would like . It not only executes the condition types but als0 controls the execution of condition type by the use of requirements , altcv. altcbv, account key.
Pricing procedure is a systematic and sequential use of condition types to arrive at a right value of the product.To determine the pricing procedure


What is condition exclusion?
If we set an exclusion indicator in the definition of condition type during sales document processing the system ignores the other condition type which exits below that in
the pricing procedure and which have same requirement.

Which delivery document type for STO process?
For intracompany STO the delivery doc type is NL(i.e. within the one company code)& for intercompany STO the delivery type is NLCC.

What is difference between the header level condition and item level condition?
Header level conditions are for the whole document, while item level condition is for the particular item only. header conditions do not have access sequences and condition records, too.

What is the link between credit management and subtotals?
see there is the link between credit management and subtotals. The reason why, Business grant credit to the customer. so all the credit amounts of customer must stored in corresponding tables in our sap system. so that In Pricing procedure for the condition type Net value we assign A In the field Subtotal. the table for credits is komp-cmpre

What is Delivery group and what is its purpose?
delivery group is grouping of all sub item to be delivery at one time. mostly used in bill of materials.

What is main purpose of maintaining the master data?
IN SAP we can call these are master data like:
1. Customer master data
2. Material master data
3. Customer material Information record
4. When we are maintaining condition records like pricing
Condition record, rebate condition record.

THE main purpose of maintaining the master data is that when we will create any documents in sales like sales document, the data regarding customer is coming from customer master and the data regarding material is coming from material master, and for example in the sales order the delivery plant is coming from CMIR,OR CUSTOMER MASTER OR,MATERIAL MASTER ,like this...

What is line item?
There are 3 levels in a sales document i.e. header level, item level and schedule line. Line item falls in the Item Level.
1)Line Item relates to material details or the item details such as item number, name of material, quantity etc.
2)The item category of the item which is determined by the system (by combination of Item Category Group from Material Master, Sales Document Type, Usage and higher level item category)is copied at Item Level of the sales documents.
3)Line Item contains the value and quantity also which are not normally found at Header Level.
4)Examples of Line items are : Material, Order Quantity, Material Group, Plant, Shipping Point, Route, Customer Material, Sales Unit, price/discount/tax/freight per unit, etc.
5)Examples of Header data will make Line Item more clear : Sold-to Party, Pricing date, Document currency, Price group, Customer Group, Incoterms, Payment terms, Purchase
Order Number etc.

What is value SAP?
ASAP methodology is a methodology for component-based implementation projects.
Value SAP methodology is a methodology for evaluation, implementation and continuous business improvement.
Solution Manager is a natural extension of Accelerated SAP and Value SAP methodology. SAP SM is mandatory for all Business Suite 2005 and beyond.

What happens when you overrate the customer?
You can opt for any of the following 3 :
1)credit the customer for the amount of short-charged invoice by creating a Credit Memo Request with reference to the previous invoice and create a new sales order with
correct rate
2)you can make a Credit Memo Request for the overcharged amount and make a Credit Note Billing Document to give credit for the difference amount
3)you may make an Invoice Correction Request.

What are the functions performed in a support client? 
the main function is resolving the day to day issues sent by the client. some times enhancements also.And also read the detailed ticket issues

What is the access sequence for header conditions?
for header conditions, no access sequence will be there. the values for header conditions should be entered manually during sales order processing. access sequence is a search strategy which finds the right condition record from the condition table.

What are the highest organizational units in SD, MM, PP and FICO?
SD----sales organization
FICO-----company code

What is the functionality of negative posting in billing document?
Reverse and adjustment postings can also be marked as negative postings. Negative postings are used to reduce the transaction figures in G/L, customer, and vendor accounts. This allows you to give the transaction figures (following the reversal) the status they would have had without posting the reversed document and its reversal document. This type of reversal is called a negative posting.
Its nothing but an adjustment. Lets say you have creates a bill of 10 bucks and latter you realize its not correct and the billing amount should be 8 bucks. To change the billing amount you have to create a negative bill worth -2 bucks. Its a negative bill or in other words its an adjustment of credit type. Similarly debit type adjustments are also there.

What is mean of Rebate processing?
Rebate is nothing but a special discount which is given on to specific customer on certain sales volume with in specific period of time. Rebate may given on a specific customer, if he do the targeted business within the validity periods,
its for specific material and customer, if this customer does the targeted business volume for that particular material within the validity periods.

A rebate is a discount which is granted subsequently to a rebate recipient on the basis of defined sales volume within certain period.
There are three processes on rebate.
1:- Configuring Rebate
2:- Setting of rebate agreements
3:- managing rebate agreement & payments

But before the processing the rebate you need to activate
the following fields
:- in Payer master record
:- Sales organization
:- Billing document type.

You have following rebate agreement types for your customer.
1:- Material rebate
2:- customer rebate
3:- customer Hierarchy rebate
4:- Material group rebate
5:- Independent of sales volume.

How is shipping point determined?
shipping conditions + loading group + Delivery plant = Shipping point

What is difference between transport and task?

What is the client specific data?
Client specific data refer to the data that can be accesses only when we log in to that Client
Client specific data:
a) Business data--Master data of business partners, products, pricing etc
b) Transaction data: Sales orders, delivery, billing documents etc
c) Customization data: All the IMG activities that are saved with Customizing request number form the client specific data

What is ABAP debugging?
Finding the errors in ABAP program and rectifying the error at run time is done using ABAP debugging.
The ABAP debugger is the development workbench tool, which allows you stop a program during its execution when a particular condition is met.

How subtotal in pp is related to credit limit? 
subtotal field(A) in the pp contains the total value and this value is checked with the credit limit of the customer.

What is the difference between discount and rebate?
Rebate: an incentive to be given to a customer. clubbed with qty purchased by a customer within the period specified (say one month)-conditional.
Discount doesn’t depends upon the turnover it is fixed. and can only differ from customer to customer

What will you do in blue print stage?
Business Blue print is a detailed documentation of the requirements gathered from client. it represents the business process requirements of the company. It is an agreed statement of how the company intends to run its business within SAP system.

How will access the data in to production?

What is Group condition?

What is cut over strategy?

Cutover strategy or cutover plan is the activity done in ASAP methodology, while transferring the data from the legacy system to the sap system. At this point of time the billing will be stopped, all the open orders, contracts, pricing data will be transferred as per the cutover plan which is provided by the implementation partner. Whatever you want to do on the system u need to do before or after this activity.

What is the relation between PGI and TOR?
Depending up on TOR PGI takes place let me explain how it takes place when a requirement comes this is been transferred to MRP through TOR. Depending up on the availability of the material transfer of order takes place in which the requirement sits in the storage location from there picking and packing process takes place and finally PGI activity takes place.
In general


How is route determined?
Determination of the route is dependent on the following factors:
(1)Departure Country and departure zone-it gets determined from shipping point.
(2)Shipping Condition:-it is determined from sales doc. type or from SP (Customer master).
(3)Transportation Group:- it is determined from Material master.
(4) transportation Zone:- ship -to -party.
(5)Receiving country.
(6)Weight group (optional).

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