Rules for DML’s on views:-
For delete: -
· It is not possible when the view is derived from more than one database table.
For update: -
· It is not possible when the view is derived from more than one database table.
· It is not possible to update the columns those are derived from arithmetic expression and function from pseudo columns.
For insertion:-
· It is not possible when the view is derived from more than one database table.
· It is not possible to update the columns those are derived from arithmetic expression and function from pseudo columns.
· It is not possible to insert the data into the view if the mandatory columns of the base tables are missing in the view definition.
When ever we want to create view we should have base table.
Based on that base table we should create view.
So, first we are going to create a table
SQL>create table vdept (deptno number (10), dname varchar2 (10), loc varchar2 (10));
--table created
Now we are able to create view
SQL>create view na_dept_v as select *from vdept;
-- View created.
Now we are going to insert record in view to know whether DML operations will reflect on table when we perform on view
SQL>insert into na_dept_v values(10,'ACCOUNTING','ENGLAND ');
--1 row inserted
Now we can see whether records are inserted or not into view
Record is inserted into view.
Now we are going to see whether record is inserted into base table or not when we inserted into view.
So now we can conclude that DML operations are reflecting on base table when we perform on view.
*Similarly we can update and delete on view that will affect on base table.
Force view:-
Creating a view on the base table which does not exist in the database
If we create a view like this system will throw a warning as “View created with compilation errors”.
Create or replace force view <> as select *from <table name>;
Example: -
SQL>create or replace force view fview as select *from kdept;
Warning: View created with compilation errors.
DML operations on complex views:-
Complex view: - creating a view based on two tables is nothing but complex view.
So first create one complex view and then perform DML operations on that view.
SQL> create view na_com_v as select e.empno, e.ename, e.sal, d.dname, d.loc from EMP e, DEPT d;
-- View created.
Now perform DML operations on that complex view.
First we are trying to insert record into the view what we have created above.
Sql>Insert into na_com_v values (7625,’BLAKE’, 12000,’TESTING’,’CHICAGO’);
Insert into na_com_v values (7625,'BLAKE', 12000,'TESTING','CHICAGO')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01776: cannot modify more than one base table through a join view
System will throw an error because we can not perform any DML operations on COMPLEX VIEWS.
But we can over come this by using INSTEAD OF TRIGGERS
- Instead of triggers can be used only with views.
- Effective for joins which are based on equi join
- To have an cascading effect of update on both the table if columns are matching]
- Also to update uncommon columns through equi join views
Now we are going to INSERT into Complex view (na_com_v) which we had created above by using INSERTED OF TRIGGERS
SQL> create or replace trigger na_comm_trig instead of insert on na_com_v for each row
Insert into na_com_v values (:new.DEPTNO, new.ENAME, new.DNAME, new.LOC, new.HIREDATE);
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